Go Ugg crazy or This could get Uggly
An excise in art mash up. Mixing medium and media.
My first experiment combines biro line drawing and cross hatching with fine liner pen, water colour (wet and dry brush)
and pastels on a watercolour paper.
The next image is on thick tissue which was screwed up then flattened out. I used a fine felt pen some water colour and pastel.
I chose to use only pastels on my next attempt but using them in different ways.
Lines, blending, smudging and cross hatch on a matt card.
Starting to feel a bit less adventurous than I thought still enjoying the unrestrained feeling.. For my next trick taking a piece of gloss photo paper and drawing in water colour and pen with a bit of pastel. Interesting feature to note, the water colour has kind of etched into the gloss surface so the gloss areas left give the boots a contoured 2nd dimension feel. Unfortunately not that obvious in this representation.
Really going for it now Charcoal on the shiny brown paper pre screwed and flattened out.
What does this tell us? Don't use charcoal on shiny brown paper, perhaps.
Considering some of the suggestions in the exercise directions I am being a bit conservative.
What about bright yellow card, household emulsion paint then drawn and painted over with liquid acrylic and pen and the boot on the other foot. Pastel line washed over with water colour.
What the...?
My final exploration a rough pastel base on cream card image drawn in charcoal partly blended.