Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Educational Strip - Puberty

what's happening to my body? its all going mad!!! :(

I did a lot of reading about puberty. Hoping it would stimulate some ideas.

Brainstorming took the form of playing with words and images

I thought of spots, mood swings the teenage frown etc

I kind of decided to avoid the kind of cartoon character with the usual fig leaves and red faced embarrassment. Although I did try out one briefly but it had certain drawbacks

What I really wanted to do was a kind of pop art style strip

I found a contact sheet of images. I have lost the reference to the page they came from so not sure who it is. But for some of the poses and expressions could illustrate

I sketched a few I selected as the strongest

When I was researching the subject, I came across some graphic representations of growth hormones the type that are produced by the pituitary gland lick starting puberty

Perhaps I can incorporate the pattern in my design...somehow.

Now to have a go at putting my sketches in to a strip context. I am going to trace a simple line around four selected.

To add the text I download an app for the iPad called Graffiti. You can also put images through a filter; I try out an idea

I find it handy to quickly add and position text to a design but it's bit of a cop out just to leave with a single background colour.

I have a look through some more pop art style examples and decide to colour accordingly by way of a client visual

And for the single character illustration

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